S. Ghosh, E. Laksana, L.-P. Morency and S. Scherer, Representation Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition, In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interpseech), 2016
Links: PDFE. Wood, T. Baltrušaitis, L.-P. Morency, P. Robinson and A. Bulling, A 3D Morphable Model of the Eye Region, In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the European Association of Computer Graphics (EuroGraphics), 2016
Links: PDFK. Kim, T. Baltrusaitis, A. Zadeh, L.-P. Morency and G. Medioni, Holistically Constrained Local Model: Going Beyond Frontal Poses for Facial Landmark Detection, In Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2016
Links: PDFE. Wood, T. Baltrušaitis, L.-P. Morency, P. Robinson and Andreas Bulling, A 3D Morphable Eye Region Model for Gaze Estimation, In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2016
Links: PDFS. Rajagopalan, L.-P. Morency, T. Baltrus̆aitis and R. Goecke, Extending Long Short-Term Memory for Multi-View Structured Learning, In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2016
Links: PDFJ. Pestian, M. Sorter, B. Connolly, K. B. Cohen, C. McCullumsmith, J. Gee, L.-P. Morency, S. Scherer, L. Rohlfs, A Machine Learning Approach to Identifying the Thought Markers of Suicidal Subjects: A Prospective Multicenter Trial, Journal on Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 2016
Links: PDFM. Roemmele, S.-M. Morgens, A. S. Gordon, L.-P. Morency, Recognizing Human Actions in the Motion Trajectories of Shapes, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), 2016
Links: PDFS. Ghosh, E. Laksana, L.-P. Morency and S. Scherer, Learning Representations of Affect from Speech, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations Workshop (ICLR-W), 2016
Links: PDFS. Vijay, T. Baltrusaitis, L.-P. Morency, L. Pennant, D. Öngür and J. Baker, Computational Study of Psychosis Symptoms and Facial Expressions, CHI Computing and Mental Health Workshop, 2016
Links: PDFL. Chen, X. Li, Z. Xia, Z. Song, A. Dubrawski and L.P. Morency, Riding an emotional roller-coaster: A multimodal study of young child’s math problem solving activities, In Proceedings of the Educational Data Mining Conference (EDM), 2016
Links: PDF