J. Chen, A. Demski, T. Han, L.-P. Morency, D. Pynadath, N. Rafidi and P. Rosenbloom. Fusing Symbolic and Decision-Theoretic Problem Solving + Perception in a Graphical Cognitive Architecture. In Proceedings of the conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA), 2011
Links: PDFL. Huang, L.-P. Morency and J. Gratch. Parasocial Consensus Sampling: Combining Multiple Perspectives to Learn Virtual Human Behavior. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2010 *** Best paper award, Virtual Human track ***
Links: PDFD. Ozkan, K. Sagae and L.-P. Morency. Latent Mixture of Discriminative Experts for Multimodal Prediction Modeling. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), 2010
Links: PDFI. de Kok , D. Ozkan, D. Heylen, L.-P. Morency. Learning and Evaluating Response Prediction Models using Parallel Listener Consensus. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), 2010
Links: PDFS. Kang, C. Sidner, J. Gratch and L.-P. Morency. Turn-taking patterns in self-disclosure interactions with Virtual Agents. Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), Philadelphia, USA, 2010
Links: PDFL. Huang, L.-P. Morency and Jonathan Gratch. Learning Backchannel Prediction Model from Parasocial Consensus Sampling: A Subjective Evaluation. Proceedings of the Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), Philadelphia, USA, 2010
Links: PDFL.-P. Morency, J. Whitehill and Javier Movellan. Generalized Adaptive View-based Appearance Model: Integrated Framework for Monocular Head Pose Estimation. 8th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), September 2008 **Best paper award**
Links: PDFL.-P. Morency, I. de Kok and J. Gratch. Context-based Recognition during Human Interactions: Automatic Feature Selection and Encoding Dictionary. 10th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), October 2008 **Best paper award**
Links: PDFL.-P. Morency, I. de Kok and J. Gratch. Predicting Listener Backchannels: A Probabilistic Multimodal Approach. Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), September 2008 **Best paper award**
Links: PDFX. Sun, L.-P. Morency, D. Okanohara, Y Tsuruoka and Jun’ichi Tsujii. Modeling Latent-Dynamic in Shallow Parsing: A Latent Conditional Model with Improved Inference. The 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), August 2008
Links: PDF