A. Zadeh, P.P. Liang, N. Mazumder, S. Poria, E. Cambria, L.-P. Morency. Memory Fusion Network for Multi-view Sequential Learning. AAAI 2018
Links: PDFV. Cirik, L.-P. Morency. Using Syntax to Ground Referring Expressions in Natural Images. AAAI 2018
Links: PDF Demo & CodeC. Ahuja, L.-P. Morency. Lattice Recurrent Unit: Improving Convergence and Statistical Efficiency for Sequence Modeling. AAAI 2018
Links: PDF Demo & CodeM. Chen*, S. Wang*, P.P. Liang*, T. Baltrušaitis, A. Zadeh, L.-P. Morency, Multimodal Sentiment Analysis with Word-level Fusion and Reinforcement Learning, ICMI, 2017
H. Yu, L. Gui, M. Madaio, A. Ogan, J. Cassell, L.-P. Morency, Temporally Selective Attention Model for Social and Affective State Recognition in Multimedia Content, In Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia, (ACM MM), 2017
Links: PDFA. K. Vail, T. Baltrusaitis, L. Pennant, E. Liebson, J. T. Baker, L.-P. Morency. Visual Attention in Schizophrenia: Eye Contact and Gaze Aversion during Clinical Interactions. ACII, 2017.
Links: PDFB. Nojavanasghari, C. Hughes, T. Baltrusaitis and L.-P. Morency. Hand2Face: Automatic Synthesis and Recognition of Hand Over Face Occlusions. In Proceedings of International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2017 (to appear)
A. Zadeh*, M. Chen*, S. Poria, E. Cambria and L.-P. Morency. Tensor fusion network for multimodal sentiment analysis. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2017
T. Wörtwein, T. Baltrusaitis, J. Baker and L.-P. Morency. Computational Analysis of Acoustic Descriptors in Psychotic Patients. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (Interspeech), 2017
Links: PDFH. Wang, A. Meghawat, L.-P. Morency and E. Xing. Select-Additive Learning: Improving Generalization in Multimodal Sentiment Analysis. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), 2017
Links: PDF