


D.Ozkan, S. Scherer and L.-P. Morency. Step-wise Emotion Recognition using Concatenated-HMM. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AVEC), in conjunction with International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), Santa Monica, October, 2012

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S. Park, G. Mohammadi, R. Artstein, and L.-P. Morency. Crowdsourcing Micro-Level Multimedia Annotations: The Challenges of Evaluation and Interface. In the Proceedings of the International ACM Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Multimedia held in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2012 (CrowdMM), Nara, November, 2012

Links: PDF

S. Finkelstein, S. Scherer, A. Ogan, L.-P. Morency and J. Cassell. Investigating the Influence of Virtual Peers as Dialect Models on Students’ Prosodic Inventory. In Proceedings of the Interspeech Workshop on Child, Computer and Interaction (WOCCI), 2012

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S. Scherer, N. Weibel, S. Oviatt, and L.-P. Morency. Multimodal Prediction of Expertise and Leadership in Learning Groups. In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimodal Learning Analytics (MLA), in conjunction with International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI), 2012

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S. Scherer, D. Ozkan and L.-P. Morency. Investigating the influence of pause fillers for automatic backchannel prediction. In Proceedings of the Interspeech Workshop on Feedback Behaviors in Dialog, 2012

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L.-P. Morency. Computational Study of Human Communication Dynamics. In Proceedings of the 2011 joint ACM workshop on Human gesture and behavior understanding (J-HGBU), Arizona, USA, 2011 [Invited paper]

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G. Ramirez, T. Baltrusaitis, and L.-P. Morency. Modeling Latent Discriminative Dynamic of Multi-Dimensional Affective Signals. Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop (AVEC), 2011 **Winner of the vision-only sub-challenge**

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C. Sun, L.-P. Morency. Towards Speaker Adaptation for Dialogue Act Recognition. SEMDIAL workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of dialogue, Los Angeles, USA, September 2011

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D. Ozkan and L.-P. Morency. Consensus of Self-Based Feature Selection for Nonverbal Behavior Analysis. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding (HBU), in conjunction with International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Istanbul-Turkey, August 22-26, 2010

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D. Traum and L.-P. Morency. Integration of Visual Perception in Dialogue Understanding for Virtual Humans in Multi-Party interaction. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Interacting with ECAs as Virtual Characters, 2010

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