


M. Chen*, S. Wang*, P.P. Liang*, T. Baltrušaitis, A. Zadeh, L.-P. Morency, Multimodal Sentiment Analysis with Word-level Fusion and Reinforcement Learning, ICMI, 2017

H. Yu, L. Gui, M. Madaio, A. Ogan, J. Cassell, L.-P. Morency, Temporally Selective Attention Model for Social and Affective State Recognition in Multimedia Content, In Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia, (ACM MM), 2017

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B. Nojavanasghari, C.E. Hughes and L.-P. Morency. Exceptionally Social: Design of an Avatar-Mediated Interactive System for Promoting Social Skills in Children with Autism. In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2017

T. Baltrusaitis, L. Li, L.-P. Morency. Local-Global Ranking for Facial Expression Intensity Estimation. In Proceedings of International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2017 (to appear)

A. K. Vail, T. Baltrusaitis, L. Pennant, E. Liebson, J. T. Baker, L.-P. Morency. Visual Attention in Schizophrenia: Eye Contact and Gaze Aversion during Clinical Interactions. ACII, 2017.

Links: PDF

B. Nojavanasghari, C. Hughes, T. Baltrusaitis and L.-P. Morency. Hand2Face: Automatic Synthesis and Recognition of Hand Over Face Occlusions. In Proceedings of International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2017 (to appear)

A. Zadeh*, M. Chen*, S. Poria, E. Cambria and L.-P. Morency. Tensor fusion network for multimodal sentiment analysis. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2017

C. Buengeler, F. Klonek, N. Lehmann-Willenbrock, L.-P. Morency and R. Poppe, Killer Apps: Developing Novel Applications That Enhance Team Coordination, Communication, and Effectiveness, Small Group Research, Volume 48, Issue 5, 2017, pp. 591 – 620

T. Wörtwein and S. Scherer. What really matters — An information gain analysis of questions and reactions in automated PTSD screenings. In Proceedings of International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), 2017

Links: PDF

T.-Y. Hu, C. Raman, S. Medina, L. Gui, T. Baltrusaitis, R. Frederking, L.-P. Morency, A. W Black, M. Eskenazi, Integrating Verbal and Nonvebval Input into a Dynamic Response Spoken Dialogue System, In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence – Demo Track, 2017

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